I don’t care for bios.

If you want my two sentence story, here it is: I love making stuff. And I love and admire other people who make stuff.

If you want the longer version, here are the two pivotal moments in my life that turned me into a songwriter and a music producer.

Songwriting. I was born in 1985. My oldest memory of writing songs coincides with a curiosity in my family’s piano and the music lessons that my older brother and sister were taking. I was 5 or 6 years old, and I wanted to tell a story through sound by pressing down different keys on the piano (read: banging around on the piano) to express what I felt were the colors and emotions of that story. This activity was highly unstructured, and without a doubt, unpleasant to listen to (sorry, Mom!). Thirty years later, I’m still chasing that curiosity and desire to express myself and my personal narrative through musical storytelling.

Music Production. When I was 14 years old, I fell deeply in love for the first time, and I also fell in love with pop music. One of these two loves was unrequited, and the other was a salve for that wound. I’ll let you figure out which is which. I remember my excitement the first time I could really hear and pick out the bass line in a pop song, the same way I remember how my heart fell into my stomach when my first love burst into a room. Music and romance collided into a single, indistinguishable passion. I became obsessed with how sound - not just lyrics or harmony - could evoke particular feelings, like the melancholy of an electric guitar delay or the quirky wonder of unexpected textures such as acoustic guitar layered over electronic drums.

As a teeanger, and then as a college student, I was fortunate enough to be able to experiment with some basic recording software and interfaces. (Pro Tools MBox, anyone?) Within the next several years, the recording industry radically shifted. A home recording studio with a simple setup is now a completely viable option for producing entire albums.

Since 2003, I have been recording and producing my own records - a catalog of which can be found on the Music page. For more information on current work in progress, please consider signing up for my newsletter (see below) and subscribing to my YouTube channel.
