Emily Asen Emily Asen

The Monkey on Your Back

I think a lot about something Elizabeth Gilbert wrote in Big Magic. Gilbert talks about fear for a good portion of the book - fear as an obstacle to making or doing the thing you really want to make or do. But Gilbert doesn’t tell us how to dispel fear and kick it out of our lives for good. Why? Because that’s impossible. Fear exists as a survival instinct, and while it doesn’t always show up in ways that make sense… the fact is, fear isn’t going anywhere.

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Emily Asen Emily Asen

Nothing Changes

Change is a constant. Change is inevitable. Change is good. (Sometimes change is bad or at least feels bad in the moment.) We hear these things all the time. But what about the stuff that never changes… even when you think it will because you’ve worked for thousands of hours, you’ve shed blood, sweat and tears (literally and figuratively), and you wanted that change so damn bad?

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Emily Asen Emily Asen

Metabolism, Part I

I’m currently working on an album titled Metabolism.  I have always titled my projects long before they are complete. And long before all of the songs for the project are complete. Here’s how it happened. A few years ago, I was dealing with some minor, but persistent, health issues that caused me to dive heavily into the concept of metabolic healing.

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Emily Asen Emily Asen

Listen Closely

As a musician, I wonder if I’m supposed to have a clearer, more intimate understanding of what it means to listen. Depending on how and where you grew up, your life experiences, your occupation, your relationships, and so on… listening can mean so many different things to a person.  There is the added complication of what it means to listen with intention and purpose - to listen closely.

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Emily Asen Emily Asen

Making Plans

I love making plans.  And not just when the New Year comes around.  I love making plans all the time.  I plan out my week every Sunday.  I make a daily plan the day before.  Whenever I start making a new album, I create lists and charts and diagrams to plan out how that album is going to be made and the steps required to make it.  Oh boy... does this Capricorn just love planning.

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